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January 9, 2025
Ny version af Baggrundserklæring for smågrise til eksport Kære kunde, Vi vil gerne informere dig om, at der nu er udarbejdet en ny version af Baggrundserklæring for smågrise til eksport. Vigtigt: De gamle baggrundserklæringer kan ikke længere benyttes. Det er derfor nødvendigt, at du fremover anvender den nye version, som gælder fra dags dato. Du kan finde og downloade den opdaterede erklæring her eller find den under menupunktet GRISEAFSÆTNING på www.vinderslev.dk
August 15, 2023
Du har nu mulighed for at læse mere om baggrundserklæring og andre oplysninger for svin Kære kunde nu kan du downloade ”Baggrundserklæring for smågrise til eksport” og ”1 års erklæring og fødevarekædeoplysninger for svin”. Find PDF'erne her på siden eller find dem under menupunktet GRISEAFSÆTNING .


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Pigs for sale at NV-Randers A / S

Welcome to NV-Randers A / S

Today, the company is run by the 4th generation, and the interest in the industry goes back many years, which is why all tasks are solved on the basis of the professionally skilled and competent background.

V i is a responsible and professional pig broker, which is responsible for the sale of pigs in Denmark and for export. At NV-Randers A / S, we always have pigs for sale, and our skilled employees have many years of experience from the industry, which gives us optimal opportunities to offer help with many processes in connection with pigs and trade of the same, and we work each day with everything from pig transport to marketing.

Today, the company is run by the 4th generation, and the interest in the industry goes back many years, which is why all tasks are solved on the basis of the professionally skilled and competent background.

Responsible pig dealer with innovative focus

We care about the health of the animals and require either SPF-SuS registration or another form of documented health status on all the piglets and slaughter animals that we are dealing with. We also deliver exclusively customized solutions, and high quality, good service and animal welfare are always the priority. We are constantly trying to be one step ahead and therefore work continuously to follow developments in well-being. Doing business with care is generally of great value to us, where trust, responsibility and reliability are irreplaceable. We are a credible and reliable pig trader who always has lots of pigs for sale.

We offer, among other things:

    Trade in pigs and slaughter animals in DenmarkExportation of pigs and slaughter animalsPig transport - total solutionsAnd much more

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